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Client Adventures: 3 Ways to Love Learning This Fall With Oasis Thumbnail

Client Adventures: 3 Ways to Love Learning This Fall With Oasis

When we meet with clients, we enjoy hearing about what they’ve been up to lately. Not only does this give us a fuller picture of who our clients are as people and what their goals and dreams are, it also means we’ve accumulated quite a list of recommendations and hidden treasures locally and around the world.

One recent recommendation from a client is to try a class from the Oasis Institute, a national non-profit organization dedicated to lifelong learning, volunteer opportunities and active lifestyles for seniors. The client who told us how much she loved the Oasis program attended classes in Montgomery County, Maryland, but Oasis also hosts events in 20 other states. Most events range from $10-$20 each.

Take a Class

Classes are taught by retired professors and other experts who volunteer their time to share their passions—and they’re not necessarily the kinds of classes you might find at your local community college, though Oasis does offer technology, language and exercise classes.

Some unique class offerings in the D.C. area this fall include a musical history of D.C., an “antiques roadshow”-style class where you can have an item appraised, and topical classes like “Policing in the 21st Century: The Impact of Ferguson” and “History Through Hollywood: The Imitation Game.”


Oasis also connects seniors to volunteering opportunities that promote a love of learning at all stages of life, from helping a young child learn to read to sharing your expertise in a particular area in an Oasis class for adults. Each year volunteers in Oasis Education Centers donate over 500,000 hours of service to their communities.

Tour Your Own Town

The Oasis Institute also organizes tours that allow you to see your area through a fresh lens. A few of the offerings this fall in D.C. include a geology walk in Great Falls, an Underground Railroad tour in Rockville and a visit to Glenstone modern art museum in Potomac.

Registration just opened this week for many of the fall classes and tours near D.C.:

Find the full fall class and tour schedule here.
Find volunteer opportunities here.

So if you’re looking for something fun to do as summer winds down, consider going back to school just like all of the kids this week through a program like Oasis, a community college, or senior center. Except this time, you can skip straight to the electives you wish they had offered while you were in school!

Let us know how you like this Client Adventure column. We want to offer blog articles you want to read, so we welcome feedback and suggestions. Send your comments to Carla LaFleur at CLaFleur@HalpernFinancial.com.

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