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Wealth Planning for Executives

Maximize the value of your executive benefits with the financial opportunities you have created

Wealth planning for C-suite executives can be complex. Our professional guidance and strategic planning can help you maximize the value of each part of your compensation plan. We can coordinate all your financial resources so that you are prepared for both short and long-term financial success from negotiating employment agreements, to understanding your compensation options and formulating tax-smart strategies.

Building wealth doesn't happen by accident 

It takes customized planning that encompasses your goals, resources, and employee benefit/compensation structure in order to:

                   Maximize                      Employer Plans

             Optimize                 Stock  & Options

                  Coordinate                   Deferred Compensation

  • Traditional Regular 401(k)
  • Roth 401(k)
  • "Mega - Roth" Inside 401(k)
  • Self-Directed Brokerage Accounts

  • Restricted Stock Units (RSUs)
  • Restricted Stock Awards (RSAs)
  • Incentive Stock Options (ISOs)
  • Non-Qualified Stock Options (NQSOs)
  • Private Restricted Stock
  • Employee Stock Purchase Plan
  • Cash Balance Plans
  • Deferred Compensation Plans
  • Pension Plans

All of these items have unique income, tax, and investment considerations that require coordination and management to answer questions like:

  • How do these compensation options translate into income today and in the future?
  • When do I exercise my options and which should I allow to accumulate?
  • What is a 83(b) Election?
  • How do I assess my total compensation package?
  • How will each source of income affect my taxes?
  • Can we make a plan to withhold taxes appropriately as my executive awards vest?

Answering executive wealth planning questions like these is what advisors at Halpern Financial do each day. We help C-suite executives and industry leaders like you, understand the details of your executive benefits package and guide you on strategies to optimize your program. 

Of course, each C-suite executive's plan is unique, which is why we review your entire financial picture before presenting detailed strategies that will help you make the most of all that is available to you.

Personalized Strategies

When creating your personalized plan, we work around your vesting schedules, holding requirements, black-out periods, and other critical personal factors you may face as a top executive in your field.

Dedicated Support

Creating and fine tuning your personal plan is just the beginning. Our team continues to proactively stress and strength test your current and long-term plans to identify and inform you when changes to the current plan are necessary. When you have changes, we are ready to test the plan before any final decisions are made.

Our private wealth management solutions are tailored to meet your individual needs, integrating all accounts and resources for the highest probability of success on your terms. We work with you as a collaborative team, where you have access to all members of the Halpern Financial Team for the financial planning guidance you need.

Together, we will work with you to turn the success of your career into financial security spanning generations.

Get In Touch To Learn More
