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We Hold Ourselves to the Highest Standards

What do all of these qualifications really mean?

There are many designations out there, of varying rigor and significance. All of the letters after someone's name can start to feel like alphabet soup! We have compiled a list of the various designations we hold and what they mean. We are proud to associate with organizations carrying the highest ethical standards.

Certified Financial Planner(TM)  "CFP®"

The team at Halpern Financial is proud to include many Certified Financial Planner(TM) professionals who have completed coursework, passed the CFP® exam, and fulfilled the 4,000-hour experience requirement in creating financial plans. They adhere to the CFP® code of ethics and engage in continuing education each year to keep informed of the latest changes.  

Chartered Financial Analyst  "CFA®"

Having a Chartered Financial Analyst on staff helps us provide deeper due diligence, more consistent research, and adds another perspective to our wealth planning services. The CFA credential reflects superior competency in advanced portfolio management, technical skills, and is supported by one of the highest standards of practice.

Certified Investment Management Analyst®  "CIMA®" 

Certified Investment Management Analyst® (CIMA®) certification is the peak international, technical portfolio construction program for investment consultants, analysts, financial advisors and wealth management professionals. CIMA® certification continues to be the highest level of advanced investment education for client-facing advisors.

Fee-Only Network

Halpern Financial is "fee-only" which means we are paid only by our clients--not by any bank, broker, or insurer to sell their products. This avoids conflicts of interest and is in line with our fiduciary duty to provide advice in the best interest of our clients.

National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA)

We are a proud member of the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors. As a NAPFA-Registered Financial Advisor, we adhere to the industry's most demanding practice requirements and meet NAPFA's rigorous standards. The NAPFA network contains the industry's leading financial planning firms in both technical capability and ethical standards. 

Accredited Investment Fiduciary  "AIF®"

The purpose of the AIF® Designation is to ensure that those responsible for managing or advising on investor assets have a fundamental understanding of the principles of fiduciary duty, the standards of conduct for acting as a fiduciary, and a process for carrying out fiduciary responsibility. The AIF® Designation is part of an elite group of accredited designations recognized by FINRA and we are proud to have so many team members with the AIF® Designation. 

IARFC Ethics Approved

The International Association of Registered Financial Consultants awards the "Ethics Approved" recognition to members who have a clean ethics record free of customer disputes, regulatory events and/or criminal misdemeanors or felonies.

Financial Planning Association

Halpern Financial is a member of the Financial Planning Association, an industry organization that provides networking and continuing education for financial professionals.
