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Solutions for

Concentrated Stock Positions

Exposure to market volatility through concentrated stock positions can leave you feeling out of control and uncertain about your future. Holding period and blackout restrictions can lead to liquidity crunches. However, with a proper plan and disciplined strategy, significant tax mistakes can be avoided.

Through our process, we will create a customized strategy designed to meet your unique goals.  Upon your approval, we will monitor and execute the strategy, leaving you feeling confident and secure with your diversification strategy.

With over 20 years of experience in financial planning for executives, we’re ready to tailor your plan based around your specific goals and circumstances. Here are just some of the services we provide:


                                               Charitable Giving

   Borrowing Against the Position

  • Intentional sales strategies using target market and price-based limit orders that free capital for diversification
  • Protective trading strategies
  • Targeted tax lot sales which optimize capital gains and losses
  • Receive tax deductions for “in-kind” contributions of long-term appreciated securities
  • Avoid capital gains on contributed assets
  • Invest contributions within a DAF and grow your legacy tax-free
  • Halpern Financial clients have access to private lending channels through our institutional relationships
  • Borrow against the value of your portfolio
  • Access liquidity without triggering capital gains
  • Avoid lending fees associated with traditional borrowing methods

Net Unrealized Appreciation (NUA) 

10b5-1 Trading Plans

  • Optimize federal tax mitigation strategies around company stock inside employer retirement plans
  • Model tax-savings prior to workplace retirement account distributions
  • Potentially satisfy required minimum distributions (“RMDs”) with favorable tax treatment
  • Schedule the sale of shares or stock option exercises in advance
  • Tailor customized diversification strategy around company specific guidelines, restrictions, and blackout periods
  • Protect you and your company from insider trading allegations

Your Trusted Partners

Halpern Financial adheres to strict fiduciary standards. We’re a fee-only private wealth management firm committed to doing right by our clients. Our team of certified financial planners and chartered financial analysts bring combined experience, extensive education, and the highest levels of client service possible.

