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Halpern's Heroes 

As a fiduciary, one of Halpern Financial's driving motivations is to be one of the "good guys" in the financial industry. We take pride in always doing right by our clients and we take that same approach within our communities.  We understand that how we choose to spend our time outside of the office matters and that we can make a lasting positive impact. 

Halpern Financial is proud to offer a Volunteer Time Off program, which allows every Halpern Financial team member the opportunity to be a HERO and give back!

  • Help: We want to help be a force for good in our area.
  • Enrich: Volunteering enriches not only our community but promotes friendships and connections for our team members within their own neighborhoods and groups.
  • Reward: We reward our team members with time off so they can spend their time and energy focused on the volunteer experience.
  • Opportunities: Volunteering creates opportunities to allow us to serve and invest in those who are less fortunate in our area.

Below is a list of the organizations our team supports.


*The organizations listed above are not endorsed by or affiliated with Halpern Financial. Our philanthropic interests are personal to each team member and are not reviewed, sponsored, or approved by Halpern Financial.
