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RIA Transition Solutions

In addition to wealth management for individuals, Halpern Financial provides business transition solutions for Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) firms. RIAs often share some of the same challenges as their clients: 

  • How do I continue to grow in an increasingly difficult market environment?
  • What is the best way to maximize the value of the asset I have worked hard to build—my business?
  • How should I prepare for a transition to retirement or other ventures?

Halpern Financial has developed a platform to help RIAs meet these challenges. We offer the capacity to scale, tuck-in, or transition your business in a way that no "roll-up" firm can, without compromising the fee-only, independent structure you have worked hard to establish.

We work exclusively with small- to mid-size advisory firms that uphold a strict fiduciary standard. Our Owners/Advisors want to protect what they have built and/or monetize the value they have built in their business, including succession planning, increasing growth capacity, and providing security for their heirs. 

RIA Transition Services

  • Succession planning for advisors approaching retirement
  • Growth capacity for advisors struggling amid high costs and increased regulations
  • Ability to continue working in retirement via "of counsel" relationship

Improved Client Offering

  • Goal-based and cash-flow-based financial planning software
  • Detailed and customized reports and individual planning 
  • Open-architecture investment platform
  • Dedicated team with capacity to meet your growth needs
  • Institutional access 
  • "Audience of one"

Scale & Cost Savings

  • Proprietary models and research to expedite business operations & planning analysis
  • In-house compliance
  • Cloud-based work portal
  • Client relationship management software with automated workflow
  • In-house marketing and PR support

Elevate Client Experience & Improve Valuation

Reach out to our team today if you are interested in flexible options to optimize the success you have built for yourself, your family, and your practice.
