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Dow Reaches 19,999.99 Thumbnail

Dow Reaches 19,999.99

Actually, it went even further. On Wednesday, January 26, 2017, the Dow Jones Industrial Average crossed the psychological threshold of 20,000 to close at a new record high of 20,068.51. But for you, none of these numbers are any more significant than the others! While it is good to read headlines about things like rising indices and positive consumer sentiment, equity growth is completely expected.

Dow 20,000 is just a number that makes for a catchy headline—it is not a reason to act, or even a proxy for your portfolio performance. The underlying reason to invest in equities does not change based on the price of the Dow, whether it’s 10,000 or 19,999 or 20,000. When you invest in an stock index fund or any other form of equity exposure, your reason is likely long-term capital growth. While it is a good thing for the value to increase, new highs in the indexes are not as rare as they are often made out to be. In 2016, the Dow reached new all-time highs 9 times!  Of course this is positive for investors, but it is not anything unusual. We invest in equities because we hope they will continue to reach new highs.

Remember also that indexes like the Dow should not be used to benchmark your individual performance. At 131 years old, the Dow Jones Industrial Average is the second-oldest U.S. stock index still in use (the Dow Transports is the oldest), and it does have some limitations. It only includes 30 of the leading large-cap companies in the U.S., so it does not represent equities as a whole, much less a well-diversified portfolio. It is just an indicator of which way the wind is blowing in large cap equities, which is just one asset class in your diversified portfolio.

So enjoy the fact that equities are trending up, but don’t let overexuberance drive your decision-making. Rather than focusing on new highs in various asset classes, as always, we recommend focusing on factors within your control, such as saving, keeping investment costs low, having a proper asset allocation for your goals, and maintaining a disciplined spending plan.

More Resources
Timeline of Dow components 
Limitations of the DJIA
What’s the S&P Doing?

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