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Halpern Financial Voted One of Northern Virginia's Top Financial Professionals Thumbnail

Halpern Financial Voted One of Northern Virginia's Top Financial Professionals

September is full of important milestones for us here at Halpern Financial, from our kids starting a new year of school to helping our self-employed and small business owner clients to establish SIMPLE IRAs before the October 1 deadline. But we have another exciting milestone to announce this September: Halpern Financial was voted a top financial professional by the readers of Northern Virginia Magazine!

It’s important to be an educated consumer when you’re perusing “top 10” lists of anything, but particularly when reading about businesses or professionals. Who decides who gets on these lists, anyway, and do their motivations align with yours?

We often receive (and decline) calls from publications selling spots in lists or articles that feature local businesses. These “Special Advertising Sections” are a great source of revenue for publications, and while there is nothing wrong with advertising your business, if you can buy your way on to a list of top professionals, in our minds, it’s not much to brag about.

In contrast, we’re very happy to let the world know that that the readers of Northern Virginia Magazine voted Halpern Financial as a top financial professional in the area. 

 You can find our listing in the September 2015 issue available at northern Virginia newsstands now and on the Northern Virginia Magazine website. Check it out!

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