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Spotlight on Excellence: Melissa Sotudeh's Prestigious Recognition Thumbnail

Spotlight on Excellence: Melissa Sotudeh's Prestigious Recognition

Join us in celebrating Melissa Sotudeh's remarkable inclusion in the 2024 Advisors to Watch list by AdvisorHub. Among over 300 nominations from highly esteemed firms, Melissa's selection underscores her profound impact and expertise in wealth management.

This accolade reflects her commitment to enhancing financial strategies and client outcomes at Halpern Financial, where she continues to drive innovation and excellence.

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AdvisorHub’s Methodology: With nominations from 339 distinguished firms, all nominees needed to meet rigorous criteria, including at least seven years of experience, a minimum of $150 million in assets under management (AUM), and a spotless regulatory record. Advisors were evaluated based on the scope and composition of their practice, their year-over-year growth, and overall professionalism. Open to all firms and advisors, this ranking is purely merit-based and incurs no participation fees.

